The New & Improved – Lauren Nievod Photography

WELCOME to my new *sparkly* brand and website!

Since the start of my business in early 2013, I have learned a ton and have “grown-up!” With that being said, it was time for a rebrand at Lauren Nievod Photography in order to incorporate the other genres of photography I shoot other than precious babies and families. While newborn and family shoots are still one of my major passions, I have expanded my talents as a photographer and will explain further how I plan to tie all of my passions, NEW and OLD, together under one name 🙂

I recently attended a phenomenal photography workshop hosted by Zach and Jody Gray in Nashville, TN that focused on lighting, shooting and marketing. During the marketing segment, Zach and Jody asked us to jot down our vision of why we do what we do! Sounds easy, right? I went to the side of the room to avoid any distractions and really thought deeply about this assignment. “Why do I want to be a professional photographer? Why do I give up my weekends and free time to capture other family’s moments? Why do I spend countless hours behind the computer making my clients happy?” Just why, why, why?

The answer: “I want to show my clients that there is value in photography! I want my clients to consider it a priority to capture once in a lifetime moments, documented forever, so they can look back, remember and relive!” I can’t tell you how many people reach out to me and end up skipping out on newborn, engagement and family photography all because they don’t find it to be a “priority” from a financial point of view. This always makes me sad, not because they didn’t book me, but because they are missing out on a moment that they cannot get back! I cherish all of my photos in my house, and would still give anything to have those moments captured. I smile at them everyday and they always bring me right back to the moment in which they were taken. That is why I do what I do…I want people to feel the same amount of happiness that I do, each and everyday.

All of that got me thinking about my brand and business, and how I was missing out on the “before the baby” part of a clients story. I wanted to know how they met, where they got married, honeymooned, their careers and more. I had an AH HAH moment…my new tagline would be “Now, Forever and Always!” I want to shoot engagement sessions (the “now” of a couple’s life; this is when I first get to meet them and learn about their relationship), I want to shoot their beautiful weddings (the “forever” commitment to each other) and I want to shoot their family photos with their children (you will “always” love your family as much as the photos for the rest of your life). I want to continually capture my client’s milestones and be close with them! That’s so important to me!

So I now cut the big gold sparkly virtual ribbon to my new site and welcome you to learn more about me and why I am a photographer. In honor of my new brand being more intentionally personalized so my clients feel close with me to document their special moments, I leave you with some fun personal facts about yours truly that may be unknown to you!

Thank you for stopping by and I hope to work with you in the future!!!



Fun Facts About Lauren Nievod Photography

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